In the great fire-sacrifice of the battle – in which the bow was the beautiful ladle, Paraśurāma's anger was the fire, the battlefield was the quadrangular fire-place (Vedikā or altar), the cries of the brave soldiers were the Vedic chants, the arrows of Paraśurāma were the fascinating oblations (Āhutis), and the kings were the wood – Paraśurāma sacrificed Sahasrārjuna like a sacrifice animal. ॥ 6.97 ॥. (Rāmabhadrācārya)

In the great fire-sacrifice of the battle – in which the bow was the beautiful ladle, Paraśurāma's anger was the fire, the battlefield was the quadrangular fire-place (Vedikā or altar), the cries of the brave soldiers were the Vedic chants, the arrows of Paraśurāma were the fascinating oblations (Āhutis), and the kings were the wood – Paraśurāma sacrificed Sahasrārjuna like a sacrifice animal. ॥ 6.97 ॥.


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anger animal battle beautiful bow brave fire great wood kings

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