Cage took it to work in his way of making compositions then; and he used the idea of 64-the number of the hexagrams -to say that you had 64, for example, sounds; then you could cast, by chance, to find which sound first appeared, cast again, to say which sound came second, cast again, so that it's done by, in that sense, chance operations. Instead of finding out what you think should follow-say a particular sound-what did the I Ching suggest? Well, I took this also for dance. (Merce Cunningham)

Cage took it to work in his way of making compositions then; and he used the idea of 64-the number of the hexagrams -to say that you had 64, for example, sounds; then you could cast, by chance, to find which sound first appeared, cast again, to say which sound came second, cast again, so that it's done by, in that sense, chance operations. Instead of finding out what you think should follow-say a particular sound-what did the I Ching suggest? Well, I took this also for dance.

Merce Cunningham

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cage came cast chance dance done example find idea making number say second sense should sound take think way well work ching operations

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