The more the Dakota have to do with the white, the worse. The whites give him whiskey to get his furs and bimeby he don't want to trap so many furst but he want plenty more whiskey. The white traders take his girl, and all he get in swap is a disease. They take his land, and all he get is a leetle annuity so he don't do any work and starve slow. The Indian gets white man's gun an he is drunk and kill his own brother and they call him sinful. That's what he get from the white man-fine kettle, fine gun, fine blanket, the big pox, the small pox and religion. (Sinclair Lewis)

The more the Dakota have to do with the white, the worse. The whites give him whiskey to get his furs and bimeby he don't want to trap so many furst but he want plenty more whiskey. The white traders take his girl, and all he get in swap is a disease. They take his land, and all he get is a leetle annuity so he don't do any work and starve slow. The Indian gets white man's gun an he is drunk and kill his own brother and they call him sinful. That's what he get from the white man-fine kettle, fine gun, fine blanket, the big pox, the small pox and religion.

Sinclair Lewis

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big blanket brother call disease drunk fine girl kettle kill land plenty religion slow small take trap whiskey white work worse dakota

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