This life, my dear bird, consists of a haphazard sequence of accidental meetings and partings, very few of which can ever be anticipated, avoided or fully understood. The element of sheer Chance, my friend, conflicting as it does with the first principles of Causation, denies any premeditated plan on the part of Destiny. Destiny, therefore, may only be defined as the sum total of one's accumulated experiences, which are themselves accidental and purposeless. ‘Purpose,' you deduce from this, is an interpretation imposed upon a sequence of events after the fact. (Lin Carter)

This life, my dear bird, consists of a haphazard sequence of accidental meetings and partings, very few of which can ever be anticipated, avoided or fully understood. The element of sheer Chance, my friend, conflicting as it does with the first principles of Causation, denies any premeditated plan on the part of Destiny. Destiny, therefore, may only be defined as the sum total of one's accumulated experiences, which are themselves accidental and purposeless. ‘Purpose,' you deduce from this, is an interpretation imposed upon a sequence of events after the fact.

Lin Carter

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bird causation chance dear destiny element few friend haphazard interpretation life plan purpose sequence

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