A bystander... remarked, '... One day of life is weightier than ten thousand pieces of gold.... It is not because they do not fear death, but because they forget the nearness of death that men do not rejoice in life. One may say that he has grasped the true principle who is unconcerned with the manifestation of life or death.' When he said this people scoffed at him more than ever. (Yoshida Kenkō)

A bystander... remarked, '... One day of life is weightier than ten thousand pieces of gold.... It is not because they do not fear death, but because they forget the nearness of death that men do not rejoice in life. One may say that he has grasped the true principle who is unconcerned with the manifestation of life or death.' When he said this people scoffed at him more than ever.

Yoshida Kenkō

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day death fear gold men life manifestation nearness people rejoice say ten thousand

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