They laid in a course for Moab, which ought to have been as simple as laying in a course for any other place. But a little warning did come up on Sophia's UI, letting her know that the existence of Moab was in question. Opinions differed as to whether it had been burned off the surface of the world by a nuclear blast twelve years ago. ...
"It's easy to forget,” Sophia remarked, "that there are millions of people who really don't believe that Moab still exists. But when you're here, you see the REMEMBER MOAB stickers all over the place.”. (Neal Stephenson)

They laid in a course for Moab, which ought to have been as simple as laying in a course for any other place. But a little warning did come up on Sophia's UI, letting her know that the existence of Moab was in question. Opinions differed as to whether it had been burned off the surface of the world by a nuclear blast twelve years ago. ... "It's easy to forget,” Sophia remarked, "that there are millions of people who really don't believe that Moab still exists. But when you're here, you see the REMEMBER MOAB stickers all over the place.”.

Neal Stephenson

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believe course easy lay nuclear off ought people place question see simple surface twelve warning world years sophia

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