Every year I started Ulysses, but I could not get beyond the first chapter - "stately, plump Buck Mulligan" - page 47, I think it was. Then one day, long after, in a different apartment, with a different man (which?), I found myself on page 48 and never looked back. This happened with many of us: Ulysses gradually - but with an effect of suddenness - became accessible. It was because in the interim we had been reading diluted Joyce in writers like Faulkner and so had got used to his ways, at second remove. (Mary McCarthy)

Every year I started Ulysses, but I could not get beyond the first chapter - "stately, plump Buck Mulligan" - page 47, I think it was. Then one day, long after, in a different apartment, with a different man (which?), I found myself on page 48 and never looked back. This happened with many of us: Ulysses gradually - but with an effect of suddenness - became accessible. It was because in the interim we had been reading diluted Joyce in writers like Faulkner and so had got used to his ways, at second remove.

Mary McCarthy

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apartment beyond day different found interim man reading remove second think year suddenness joyce faulkner ways

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