I am the consummate scientist, Road-Storm. Science has suffered in having her name applied to mechanics, an ugly step-child of hers. Matter herself is a humiliation to the serious. We cannot make it vanish forever, but can make it seem to. For my purpose that is even better. All matter can be modified as long as it is kept subjective. Let us keep it so. ... Those who fail to understand my science may call it magic or hypnotism or deception. But it is only my projection of total subjectivity. (R. A. Lafferty)

I am the consummate scientist, Road-Storm. Science has suffered in having her name applied to mechanics, an ugly step-child of hers. Matter herself is a humiliation to the serious. We cannot make it vanish forever, but can make it seem to. For my purpose that is even better. All matter can be modified as long as it is kept subjective. Let us keep it so. ... Those who fail to understand my science may call it magic or hypnotism or deception. But it is only my projection of total subjectivity.

R. A. Lafferty

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call fail forever having hers humiliation hypnotism matter mechanics modified name projection purpose science subjectivity ugly

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