Yeah just so back to being Governor of New Mexico . I vetoed a bill that I think the label of the bill was Bringing Competition to the Telecommunications Industry of New Mexico... I vetoed it because the reality was that was the title but the reality was just the opposite. It was gonna actually make the environment less competitive. It was going to empower Quest communications to have more of a monopoly they it all ready had. That wasn't the label of the bill. So net neutrality the notion is that it's going to create a freer environment when the reality is .. is there really an issue now? And if you get government involved in getting its nose in the tent isn't this ultimately gonna make things a lot worse and cost us a lot more than just doing nothing? So all of my free market friends, all of my computer savvy people that are advising me, say that net neutrality is anything but. All of what's it supposed to accomplish that actually by supporting it you're creating the opposite.
Gary Johnson
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