Happiness is such a fleeting point of view-there's no such thing as continual happiness. There are only moments of happiness-from contentment to ecstasy. And if by happiness you mean ecstasy ... Yes, I've known ecstasy, and it's a blessing to be able to say it because those who can say it are very few. But ecstasy doesn't last long and is seldom ever repeated. If by happiness you mean an ordinary contentment, then yes-I'm fairly contented. Not satisfied-contented. Satisfied is a word I use only in reference to my country, and I'll never be satisfied for my country. For this reason I go on taking difficult paths, and between a paved road and a footpath that goes up the mountain, I choose the footpath. To the great irrita­tion of my bodyguards. (Indira Gandhi)

Happiness is such a fleeting point of view-there's no such thing as continual happiness. There are only moments of happiness-from contentment to ecstasy. And if by happiness you mean ecstasy ... Yes, I've known ecstasy, and it's a blessing to be able to say it because those who can say it are very few. But ecstasy doesn't last long and is seldom ever repeated. If by happiness you mean an ordinary contentment, then yes-I'm fairly contented. Not satisfied-contented. Satisfied is a word I use only in reference to my country, and I'll never be satisfied for my country. For this reason I go on taking difficult paths, and between a paved road and a footpath that goes up the mountain, I choose the footpath. To the great irrita­tion of my bodyguards.

Indira Gandhi

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