It is also instructive to see for oneself what Eaton's purported "eighty” cases are, on pp. 128-132 of his book. These turn out not to concern individual places of worship, but campaigns of destruction affecting whole cities with numerous temples at once. Among the items on Eaton's list, we find "Delhi” under Mohammed Ghori's onslaught, 1193, or "Benares” under the Ghurid conquest, 1194, and again under Aurangzeb's temple-destruction campaign, 1669. On each of these "three” occasions, literally hundreds of temples were sacked. In the case of Delhi, we all know how the single Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque replaced 27 temples, incorporating their rubble. (Koenraad Elst)

It is also instructive to see for oneself what Eaton's purported "eighty” cases are, on pp. 128-132 of his book. These turn out not to concern individual places of worship, but campaigns of destruction affecting whole cities with numerous temples at once. Among the items on Eaton's list, we find "Delhi” under Mohammed Ghori's onslaught, 1193, or "Benares” under the Ghurid conquest, 1194, and again under Aurangzeb's temple-destruction campaign, 1669. On each of these "three” occasions, literally hundreds of temples were sacked. In the case of Delhi, we all know how the single Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque replaced 27 temples, incorporating their rubble.

Koenraad Elst

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book campaign case conquest find instructive once onslaught rubble see single three turn under worship

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