[The Aliens Bill is necessary to exclude] murderous atheists, who would pull down church and state; religion and God; morality and happiness. ... When they smile, I see blood trickling down their faces; I see their insidious purposes; I see that the object of all their cajoling is-blood! I now warn my countrymen to beware of these execrable philosophers, whose only object it is to destroy every thing that is good here, and to establish immorality and murder by precept and example-'Hic niger est hunc tu Romane caveto' ['Such a man is evil; beware of him, Roman'. Horace, Satires I. 4. 85.]. (Edmund Burke)

[The Aliens Bill is necessary to exclude] murderous atheists, who would pull down church and state; religion and God; morality and happiness. ... When they smile, I see blood trickling down their faces; I see their insidious purposes; I see that the object of all their cajoling is-blood! I now warn my countrymen to beware of these execrable philosophers, whose only object it is to destroy every thing that is good here, and to establish immorality and murder by precept and example-'Hic niger est hunc tu Romane caveto' ['Such a man is evil; beware of him, Roman'. Horace, Satires I. 4. 85.].

Edmund Burke

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blood church evil good happiness immorality man necessary now pull religion see smile state thing

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