Those feats of deep cunning and brave flair-we're all allotted a few of them, and we get no more, no matter what our longing is. And you know, you're lucky if you even recognize when you're having your best moments. Half the time your soul is looking the other way when they come. And you never grow wise enough to know what they were until you have passed the hope of of having more. (Michael Shea)

Those feats of deep cunning and brave flair-we're all allotted a few of them, and we get no more, no matter what our longing is. And you know, you're lucky if you even recognize when you're having your best moments. Half the time your soul is looking the other way when they come. And you never grow wise enough to know what they were until you have passed the hope of of having more.

Michael Shea

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best brave cunning deep enough few half having hope looking lucky matter soul time way wise

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