There is an utter ignorance of, and indifference to, our sufferings and privations.... What care they for us, provided we be submissive, pay the taxes, furnish recruits for the Army and Navy and bless the masters who either despise or oppress or combine both? The apathy that exists respecting Ireland is worse than the national antipathy they bear us. (Daniel O'Connell)

There is an utter ignorance of, and indifference to, our sufferings and privations.... What care they for us, provided we be submissive, pay the taxes, furnish recruits for the Army and Navy and bless the masters who either despise or oppress or combine both? The apathy that exists respecting Ireland is worse than the national antipathy they bear us.

Daniel O'Connell

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antipathy apathy army bear care furnish ignorance national navy pay tax worse masters

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