Röhm coined the slogan that there must be ‘second revolution', this time, not against the Left, but against the Right; in his diary Goebbels agreed with him. On April 18 he maintained that this second revolution was being discussed ‘everywhere among the people'; in reality, he said, this only meant that first one was not yet ended. ‘Now we shall soon have to settle with the reaction. The revolution must nowhere call a halt. (Konrad Heiden)

Röhm coined the slogan that there must be ‘second revolution', this time, not against the Left, but against the Right; in his diary Goebbels agreed with him. On April 18 he maintained that this second revolution was being discussed ‘everywhere among the people'; in reality, he said, this only meant that first one was not yet ended. ‘Now we shall soon have to settle with the reaction. The revolution must nowhere call a halt.

Konrad Heiden

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april call diary left mean now nowhere people reaction revolution right say second settle slogan time yet goebbels

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