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Bertalanffy (1929, p. 394) as cited in: Suomalainen Eläin (1958) Annales zoologici Societatis Zoologicæ Botanicæ Fennicæ 'Vanamo. Vol 19-20. p. 34 - Pagina 34.
Ludwig von Bertalanffy
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You honor me greatly and beyond my ability as an individual but in so doing you honor my colleagues also who made possible the results you have cited.
Willard Libby
Anything, no matter how bizarre, was cited as the cause for slave rebellions except for the most obvious source: slavery.
Mark Ames
Luther's Works, Church and Ministry III, American Ed., Helmut T. Lehman, Eric W. Gritsch, eds., Augsburg Fortress Press, 1966, Vol. 41:279. ISBN 0800603419 ISBN 9780800603410.
Martin Luther
(From Sea to Sea vol. 2, p. 61): "Very many Americans have an offensive habit of referring to natives as `heathen.' Mahommedans and Hindus are heathen alike in their eyes."
Rudyard Kipling
Strepsiades: But come, by the Earth, is not Zeus, the Olympian, a god? Socrates: What Zeus? Do not trifle. There is no Zeus. (tr. Hickie 1853, vol. 1, Perseus)