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There are literally as many ideas as there are organisms.
Janine Benyus
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Biomimicry is basically taking a design challenge and then finding an ecosystem that's already solved that challenge, and literally trying to emulate what you learn.
Janine Benyus
Trees and bones are constantly reforming themselves along lines of stress. This algorithm has been put into a software program that's now being used to make bridges lightweight, to make building beams lightweight.
Janine Benyus
Organisms don't think of CO2 as a poison. Plants and organisms that make shells, coral, think of it as a building block.
Janine Benyus
There are three types of biomimicry - one is copying form and shape, another is copying a process, like photosynthesis in a leaf, and the third is mimicking at an ecosystem's level, like building a nature-inspired city.
Janine Benyus
Water is at the center of every chemical reaction, and therefore should be the earth's most precious gift.
Janine Benyus