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I am, therefore there is a God.
Moses Mendelssohn
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The analysis of concepts is for the understanding nothing more than what the magnifying glass is for sight.
Moses Mendelssohn
Judaism boasts of no exclusive revelation of eternal truths that are indispensable to salvation, of no revealed religion in the sense in which that term is usually understood.
Moses Mendelssohn
The state gives orders and coerces, religion teaches and persuades. The state prescribes laws, religion commandments. The state has physical power and uses it when necessary; the power of religion is love and benificence. The one abandons the disobedient and expels him; the other receives him in its bosom and seeks to instruct, or at least to console him.
Moses Mendelssohn
Divine religion ... does not prod men with an iron rod; it guides them with bands of love. It draws no avenging sword, dispenses no temporal goods, assumes no right to any earthly possessions, and claims no external power over the mind. Its weapons are reason and persuasion; its strength is the divine power of truth.
Moses Mendelssohn
The state has physical power and uses it when necessary; the power of religion is love and beneficence.
Moses Mendelssohn