In most men, the conscious and the unconscious being hardly ever make contact; consequently the conscious aim is to make himself as comfortable as possible with as little effort as possible. But there are other men, whom we have been calling, for convenience, ‘Outsiders', whose conscious and unconscious being keep in closer contact, and the conscious mind is forever aware of the urge to care about ‘more abundant life', and care less about comfort and stability and the rest of the notions that are so dear to the bourgeois. (Colin Wilson)

In most men, the conscious and the unconscious being hardly ever make contact; consequently the conscious aim is to make himself as comfortable as possible with as little effort as possible. But there are other men, whom we have been calling, for convenience, ‘Outsiders', whose conscious and unconscious being keep in closer contact, and the conscious mind is forever aware of the urge to care about ‘more abundant life', and care less about comfort and stability and the rest of the notions that are so dear to the bourgeois.

Colin Wilson

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aim bourgeois calling care closer comfort dear effort forever men less life mind possible rest stability unconscious

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