Look at me closely, amigo,” said my dad. "Here is a hundred-dollar bill just to start with. Thirty dollars of this is for you to put in your own pocket right now. Capiche?” The bartender's whole attitude changed. Suddenly he wasn't tired anymore. "Yes, mi general, entiendo!” he said. "Good, and give another twenty to the chef in back and ten to the dishwasher. That leaves forty for my son and me to drink and eat a little something.” "But of course!” said the barkeeper. "The whole place is open for you! Which tequila would you like?” he added anxiously. "Herradura, and a couple of Modelo cervezas.” "I like Dos Equis,” I said. "The dark one.” "Okay,” said my dad, "one Modelo and one dark Dos Equis.” The bartender was flying, moving, truly enjoying the whole show. My dad winked at me. "Like I always say, to tip after the meal is stupid. Tip first and big, and the whole world changes.