Geological time is not money. A pity too; for it would have abolished poverty from the earth. Let us adopt geological time, then time being money, - there will be no more poverty. We are all missionaries (propagandists of our views). Each of us disapproves of the other missionaries; in fact detests them, as a rule. I am one of the herd myself. It is noticeable that the professional always uses the one license: "Go ye into all the world," and ignores the Golden Rule which would restrain him from entering China and one or two other countries where he is not wanted and is not welcome. (Mark Twain)

Geological time is not money. A pity too; for it would have abolished poverty from the earth. Let us adopt geological time, then time being money, - there will be no more poverty. We are all missionaries (propagandists of our views). Each of us disapproves of the other missionaries; in fact detests them, as a rule. I am one of the herd myself. It is noticeable that the professional always uses the one license: "Go ye into all the world," and ignores the Golden Rule which would restrain him from entering China and one or two other countries where he is not wanted and is not welcome.

Mark Twain

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earth golden herd license money pity poverty professional rule time welcome world uses

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