This oppressor, this machine that has gone mad and run amok, it is berserk. They keep telling us, "progress.” They keep telling us "face reality.” Well, let's deal with reality. Reality is the Earth can no longer take this attack. We can no longer allow this Thing to continue when it's polluting the air, it's polluting the water, polluting our food. They pollute the air, they pollute the water, they pollute our food, they pollute our minds. (John Trudell)

This oppressor, this machine that has gone mad and run amok, it is berserk. They keep telling us, "progress.” They keep telling us "face reality.” Well, let's deal with reality. Reality is the Earth can no longer take this attack. We can no longer allow this Thing to continue when it's polluting the air, it's polluting the water, polluting our food. They pollute the air, they pollute the water, they pollute our food, they pollute our minds.

John Trudell

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air attack berserk continue deal earth face food longer mad run take telling thing water well amok

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