Be sceptical, question authority, be a rebel. Do not conform and don't be ordinary. Remember, all human progress is the result of far-sighted people challenging orthodoxy, tradition and rich, powerful, vested interests. Be daring, show imagination, take risks. Fight against the greatest human rights violation of all: free market capitalism, which has created a world divided into rich and poor, where hundreds of millions of people are malnourished, homeless, without clean drinking water and dying from hunger and preventable diseases. Don't accept the world as it is. Dream about what the world could be – then help make it happen. (Peter Tatchell)

Be sceptical, question authority, be a rebel. Do not conform and don't be ordinary. Remember, all human progress is the result of far-sighted people challenging orthodoxy, tradition and rich, powerful, vested interests. Be daring, show imagination, take risks. Fight against the greatest human rights violation of all: free market capitalism, which has created a world divided into rich and poor, where hundreds of millions of people are malnourished, homeless, without clean drinking water and dying from hunger and preventable diseases. Don't accept the world as it is. Dream about what the world could be – then help make it happen.

Peter Tatchell

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authority challenging clean dying dream drinking fight free help human hunger market orthodoxy people poor preventable question result rich show take violation water world

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