But he was a quick study. An autodidact. Anything that was technical, that was logical, that ran according to rules, Peter could figure out. And knew it. Didn't bother to ask for help. So much quicker to work it out on his own than suffer through someone's well-meaning efforts to educate him-and to forge an emotional connection with him in so doing. There was something, somewhere, that he could do better than most people. (Neal Stephenson)

But he was a quick study. An autodidact. Anything that was technical, that was logical, that ran according to rules, Peter could figure out. And knew it. Didn't bother to ask for help. So much quicker to work it out on his own than suffer through someone's well-meaning efforts to educate him-and to forge an emotional connection with him in so doing. There was something, somewhere, that he could do better than most people.

Neal Stephenson

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