Throughout their early stages the movements of civilization-for, properly speaking, there was no one movement-were very slow, were local in space, and were partial in the sense that each developed along but few lines. Of the numberless years that covered these early stages we have no record. They were the years that saw such extraordinary discoveries and inventions as fire, and the wheel, and the bow, and the domestication of animals. So local were these inventions that at the present day there yet linger savage tribes, still fixed in the half-bestial life of an infinitely remote past, who know none of them except fire-and the discovery and use of fire may have marked, not the beginning of civilization, but the beginning of the savagery which separated man from brute. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Throughout their early stages the movements of civilization-for, properly speaking, there was no one movement-were very slow, were local in space, and were partial in the sense that each developed along but few lines. Of the numberless years that covered these early stages we have no record. They were the years that saw such extraordinary discoveries and inventions as fire, and the wheel, and the bow, and the domestication of animals. So local were these inventions that at the present day there yet linger savage tribes, still fixed in the half-bestial life of an infinitely remote past, who know none of them except fire-and the discovery and use of fire may have marked, not the beginning of civilization, but the beginning of the savagery which separated man from brute.

Theodore Roosevelt

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beginning bow day domestication early few fire life man none partial past present savagery saw sense slow space speaking use wheel yet years

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