You're the captain. Get over the helm and start steering. Take control. There's something going on here you can he a part of. You don't have to see this thing run up on coral reefs, one time after another after another after another. This one is all yours. You've got it. And the clock is running. And it's going to stop, invariably. But right now, you're alive. Enjoy. Enjoy this existence. Enjoy this love. It is the deed of incredible compassion that you are here on the face of this earth. You have invested in many things. Maybe won, maybe lost. Maybe it's time to invest in life because what you invest here will always he yours. (Prem Rawat)

You're the captain. Get over the helm and start steering. Take control. There's something going on here you can he a part of. You don't have to see this thing run up on coral reefs, one time after another after another after another. This one is all yours. You've got it. And the clock is running. And it's going to stop, invariably. But right now, you're alive. Enjoy. Enjoy this existence. Enjoy this love. It is the deed of incredible compassion that you are here on the face of this earth. You have invested in many things. Maybe won, maybe lost. Maybe it's time to invest in life because what you invest here will always he yours.

Prem Rawat

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