In the winter of 1841 Schelling gave his famous series of lectures at the University of Berlin before a distinguished audience including Kierkegaard, Burckhardt, Engels, Bakunin. Schelling set out to overthrow Hegel, whose vast rationalist system including the identification of abstract truth with reality and the bringing of all history into an "absolute whole,” held immense and dominant popularity in the Europe of the middle of the nineteenth century. – 1844 Kierkegaard published Philosophical Fragments, and two years later he wrote the declaration of independence for existentialism, Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments. Also in 1844 there appeared the second edition of Schopenhauer's The world as will and idea,.. central emphasis "will” along with "idea” -- two related works by Marx 1844-45 – "attacked abstract truth' as "ideology” "using Hegel as his whipping boy” "men and groups bring truth into being” "money economy turns people into things”. (Rollo May)

In the winter of 1841 Schelling gave his famous series of lectures at the University of Berlin before a distinguished audience including Kierkegaard, Burckhardt, Engels, Bakunin. Schelling set out to overthrow Hegel, whose vast rationalist system including the identification of abstract truth with reality and the bringing of all history into an "absolute whole,” held immense and dominant popularity in the Europe of the middle of the nineteenth century. – 1844 Kierkegaard published Philosophical Fragments, and two years later he wrote the declaration of independence for existentialism, Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments. Also in 1844 there appeared the second edition of Schopenhauer's The world as will and idea,.. central emphasis "will” along with "idea” -- two related works by Marx 1844-45 – "attacked abstract truth' as "ideology” "using Hegel as his whipping boy” "men and groups bring truth into being” "money economy turns people into things”.

Rollo May

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abstract berlin boy central century concluding declaration dominant edition emphasis history hold idea identification ideology men later middle money nineteenth people postscript rationalist second series set truth using vast winter world works years marx kierkegaard things engels existentialism hegel

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