When a war of annhilihation is surely though in point of time indefinately impending over a weaker state, the wiser, more resolute and more devoted men who would immediately prepare it for the unnavoidable struggle and thus cover their defensive policy with a strategy of offense always find themselves hampered by the indolent, cowardly mass of the money worshippers, of the aged and feeble, and the thoughtless who are minded merely to gain time to live and die in peace and to postpone and any price the final struggle. (Theodor Mommsen)

When a war of annhilihation is surely though in point of time indefinately impending over a weaker state, the wiser, more resolute and more devoted men who would immediately prepare it for the unnavoidable struggle and thus cover their defensive policy with a strategy of offense always find themselves hampered by the indolent, cowardly mass of the money worshippers, of the aged and feeble, and the thoughtless who are minded merely to gain time to live and die in peace and to postpone and any price the final struggle.

Theodor Mommsen

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aged cover defensive die final find gain men live mass money peace point prepare price state thus time war

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