We were aware of her profile, and it was... first, it's artistic: can she do it? Is she capable of handling this? Can she handle it emotionally? The song. Because it's a very emotional song. Can she handle it melodically? Does she have the range for it? Second, now then, you've got that, now you look to see...because it's a very strange duet, and I've always said it was meant to be a duet. I had the song in '86, and I don't care what anybody else says; I know it was my song, it was given to me in '86, I was gonna do it, it was always gonna be a duet, and I think the only real life of it is a duet. And that's my opinion, and my opinion only. That's it. But when it's a duet, it's a definitive duet. And then because of how it's a call-and-response duet, you needed the timbre of the voices. If you get someone with the same timbres... I'm being analytical, but that's exactly why we picked Marion Raven. And then on the fourth hand... what, she's twenty-two years old? She can get MTV where I can't!
Meat Loaf
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