If we can recover the naturalistic ambitions of Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, ... philosophy becomes relevant because the world-riven as it is with hypocrisy and concealment-desperately needs a hermeneutics of suspicion to unmask it. And by taking these three seminal figures of the Continental traditions as philosophical naturalists we show their work to be continuous with the naturalistic turn that has swept Anglophone philosophy over the past several decades. ... The antipathy to naturalism often thought to be constitutive of "the Continental tradition” is simply an artifact of cutting the joints of that tradition in certain places. (Brian Leiter)

If we can recover the naturalistic ambitions of Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud, ... philosophy becomes relevant because the world-riven as it is with hypocrisy and concealment-desperately needs a hermeneutics of suspicion to unmask it. And by taking these three seminal figures of the Continental traditions as philosophical naturalists we show their work to be continuous with the naturalistic turn that has swept Anglophone philosophy over the past several decades. ... The antipathy to naturalism often thought to be constitutive of "the Continental tradition” is simply an artifact of cutting the joints of that tradition in certain places.

Brian Leiter

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antipathy certain continental cutting hermeneutics naturalism needs past seminal show suspicion sweep taking thought three turn work artifact marx nietzsche freud

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