Skinner ... decrees ... the abolition of freedom by way of behavior modification and a souped-up environment, in the name of a new "scientific” value-survival. The irony is that freedom and individuality have only existed in their mangled bourgeois form; to propose junking them in the name of survival is to propose the very society we now have, one that subsists exactly by an ethos of survival, paying lip service to freedom and the individual while rewarding the victors and punishing the victims. Freedom and individuality have never been more than adornments for an ugly environment of survival of the fittest. (Russell Jacoby)

Skinner ... decrees ... the abolition of freedom by way of behavior modification and a souped-up environment, in the name of a new "scientific” value-survival. The irony is that freedom and individuality have only existed in their mangled bourgeois form; to propose junking them in the name of survival is to propose the very society we now have, one that subsists exactly by an ethos of survival, paying lip service to freedom and the individual while rewarding the victors and punishing the victims. Freedom and individuality have never been more than adornments for an ugly environment of survival of the fittest.

Russell Jacoby

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abolition bourgeois fit form freedom irony lip modification name now propose punishing service skinner ugly way while ethos

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