But is it alive?" exclaimed she again; and the finger on which the gorgeous mystery had alighted was so tremulous that the butterfly was forced to balance himself with his wings. "Tell me if it be alive, or whether you created it. But"-and here his countenance somewhat changed-"this butterfly is not now to me what it was when I beheld it afar off in a daydream of my youth. (Nathaniel Hawthorne)

But is it alive?" exclaimed she again; and the finger on which the gorgeous mystery had alighted was so tremulous that the butterfly was forced to balance himself with his wings. "Tell me if it be alive, or whether you created it. But"-and here his countenance somewhat changed-"this butterfly is not now to me what it was when I beheld it afar off in a daydream of my youth.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

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afar countenance finger gorgeous now off somewhat tell youth wings

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