Q: You seem relatively upbeat and sociable. It's funny, because I've always had this idea of you, like, always crying in the dark.
A: Most people do.
Q: Do you care about that?
A: Oh, no. It doesn't bother me. Whatever people think of me is fine, however they want to envision me. I find it curious. I'm always intrigued by who people think I am and the persona they have created for me, what they think I'm into, what they think I'm not into. But I certainly understand that consideration, that I would be a bleak and miserable person, because a lot of my lyrics are very despondent. Luckily, I have the music to use as catharsis. If I didn't, I might spend more time sitting and crying in a corner than I need to. Also, I think manners are very important. To be a sullen rain cloud when conversing with someone, be they your friends or a journalist, I think is inappropriate.