It was impossible to keep up the great movement of inner and outer freedom initiated by Jesus. The proclamation "You are free through the Holy Spirit,” and Paul's statement, "Everything is lawful,” were fine for a small, elite group in which everyone knew everyone else. But when it was a matter of thousands of new converts whose depth of faith could not be known, how could they be told that they were completely free to choose their way of life and decide their own conduct? They had to be incorporated and put under the authority of a head of each group, and the more numerous they became, the more sacred and complex this authority had to be. ... The glorious freedom that is in Christ could not be tolerated. It was replaced by clear and strict commandments. (Jacques Ellul)

It was impossible to keep up the great movement of inner and outer freedom initiated by Jesus. The proclamation "You are free through the Holy Spirit,” and Paul's statement, "Everything is lawful,” were fine for a small, elite group in which everyone knew everyone else. But when it was a matter of thousands of new converts whose depth of faith could not be known, how could they be told that they were completely free to choose their way of life and decide their own conduct? They had to be incorporated and put under the authority of a head of each group, and the more numerous they became, the more sacred and complex this authority had to be. ... The glorious freedom that is in Christ could not be tolerated. It was replaced by clear and strict commandments.

Jacques Ellul

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authority choose christ clear complex conduct depth elite everyone everything faith fine free freedom great head holy impossible known lawful life matter proclamation small spirit tell under way

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