There could have been no more complete answer than that silence, and Lydgate, forgetting everything else, completely mastered by the outrush of tenderness at the sudden belief that this sweet young creature depended on him for her joy, actually put his arms round her, folding her gently and protectingly- he was used to being gentle with the weak and suffering-and kissed each of the two large tears. This was a strange way of arriving at an understanding, but it was a short way. (George Eliot)

There could have been no more complete answer than that silence, and Lydgate, forgetting everything else, completely mastered by the outrush of tenderness at the sudden belief that this sweet young creature depended on him for her joy, actually put his arms round her, folding her gently and protectingly- he was used to being gentle with the weak and suffering-and kissed each of the two large tears. This was a strange way of arriving at an understanding, but it was a short way.

George Eliot

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answer arms everything gentle joy large round short silence strange sudden sweet understanding way young tears

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