I have shown that slavery is wicked-wicked, in that it violates the great law of liberty, written on every human heart-wicked, in that it violates the first command of the decalogue-wicked, in that it fosters the most disgusting licentiousness-wicked, in that it mars and defaces the image of God by cruel and barbarous inflictions-wicked, in that it contravenes the laws of eternal justice, and tramples in the dust all the humane and heavenly precepts of the New Testament. (Frederick Douglass)

I have shown that slavery is wicked-wicked, in that it violates the great law of liberty, written on every human heart-wicked, in that it violates the first command of the decalogue-wicked, in that it fosters the most disgusting licentiousness-wicked, in that it mars and defaces the image of God by cruel and barbarous inflictions-wicked, in that it contravenes the laws of eternal justice, and tramples in the dust all the humane and heavenly precepts of the New Testament.

Frederick Douglass

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