He [Cobden] said that the great mass of the labouring classes, the unskilled labouring class, were in a condition which permanently was one disgraceful to the Government of the country...The system of protection had produced nothing but misery to the labouring population of this country, and until it was removed misery would continue to be their inheritance. He would meet the opponents of free trade with this simple proposition-they could not benefit the condition of the mass of the people of this country but by the admission of more food. (Richard Cobden)

He [Cobden] said that the great mass of the labouring classes, the unskilled labouring class, were in a condition which permanently was one disgraceful to the Government of the country...The system of protection had produced nothing but misery to the labouring population of this country, and until it was removed misery would continue to be their inheritance. He would meet the opponents of free trade with this simple proposition-they could not benefit the condition of the mass of the people of this country but by the admission of more food.

Richard Cobden

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benefit condition continue country food free government great inheritance mass meet misery nothing people say simple trade labouring

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