Why should men travel, he asked himself bitterly, across the gulf of stars at such expense and risk-merely to land on a spinning slag heap? For the same reason, he knew, that they had once struggled to reach Everest and the Poles and the far places of the Earth-for the excitement of the body that was adventure, and the more enduring excitement of the mind that was discovery. (Arthur C. Clarke)

Why should men travel, he asked himself bitterly, across the gulf of stars at such expense and risk-merely to land on a spinning slag heap? For the same reason, he knew, that they had once struggled to reach Everest and the Poles and the far places of the Earth-for the excitement of the body that was adventure, and the more enduring excitement of the mind that was discovery.

Arthur C. Clarke

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across adventure body expense far heap men land mind once reach reason should slag travel everest stars

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