...today's...newspapers...full of...diminishing exports, the unkillable widening grin of the pullulating East, the expanding machine of the almighty infallible State.... He himself could only turn to the past, but he heard that it was already possible to change the past, bringing the past perpetually up to date, a perpetual jackal fawning on the present, a malleable witness with no qualms about perjury. He knew that the armies were on the march, the Tannoys blaring, the collective mind – tool of oligarchy – being fashioned under the anaesthetic of the catchphrase and the mass entertainment... (Anthony Burgess)

...today's...newspapers...full of...diminishing exports, the unkillable widening grin of the pullulating East, the expanding machine of the almighty infallible State.... He himself could only turn to the past, but he heard that it was already possible to change the past, bringing the past perpetually up to date, a perpetual jackal fawning on the present, a malleable witness with no qualms about perjury. He knew that the armies were on the march, the Tannoys blaring, the collective mind – tool of oligarchy – being fashioned under the anaesthetic of the catchphrase and the mass entertainment...

Anthony Burgess

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blaring change east full march mass mind oligarchy past possible present state turn under widening witness catchphrase

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