I've been married to my wife for fourteen wonderful years. But like many couples out there, we've had our hardships, we've had our trials, but nothing like the LGBT community has to go through. It pains me to see my family and friends blocked from the same rights, privileges, protections that my wife and I are granted just because we are legally married. What does it say to the youth of Indiana when a whole segment of our society is treated like second-class citizens? What does it say about the future of Indiana? When we promote bullying and discrimination in our laws, how can we stop it in our classrooms? As many of you out there know, I am working hard to become Indiana's next governor, and as governor, I promise to fight and block HJR6, to fight to repeal Indiana DOMA. I will fight for the LGBT community, I will fight for all Hoosiers. It's time to stop the hate, it's time to stand for equality. It's time, Indiana. It's our time. Thank you.