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Never will be salvaged the people who win the consent of the creature, at the cost of the dissatisfaction of the creator.
Husayn ibn Ali
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Actually lowering the cost of insurance would be accomplished by such things as making it harder for lawyers to win frivolous lawsuits against insurance companies.
Thomas Sowell
And this is that Homer's golden chain, which reacheth down from heaven to earth, by which every creature is annexed, and depends on his Creator.
Robert Burton
Thus man of all creatures is more than a creature, he is also a creator. Man alone can direct his success mechanism by the use of imagination, or imaging ability.
Maxwell Maltz
Fighting wars is not so much about killing people as it is about finding things out. The more you know, the more likely you are to win a battle.
Tom Clancy
The creator, if he should love his creature, would be loving only a part of himself; but the creature, praising the creator, praises an infinity beyond himself.
Olaf Stapledon