Authors starting with „J“ - page 6

James Earl Jones
James Eastland
James Ellroy
James Elroy Flecker
James F. Amos
James F. Byrnes
James Fallows
James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenton
James Finn Garner
James Fitzjames Stephen
James Fordyce
James Forrestal
James Fox
James Frain
James Francis Stephens
James Franco
James Frazer
James Frecheville
James Freeman
James Freeman Clarke
James Frey
James G. Blaine
James G. March
James G. Stavridis
James G. Watt
James Galway
James Gandolfini
James Garner
James Gates Percival
James Geary
James Gilligan
James Gilliland
James Gleick
James Goldman
James Goldsmith
James Goodnight
James Gordon Bennett
James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose
James Grant Wilson
James Gray
James Green
James Grippando
James Gunn
James H. Boren
James H. Clark
James H. Douglas
James H. Wilkinson
James Hadley Chase
James Hal Cone
James Hall
James Hamilton (1814-1871)
James Hansen
James Harden
James Harrington
James Harris Simons
James Harvey Robinson
James Heckman
James Henry Breasted
James Henry Hammond
James Herbert
James Herriot
James Hetfield
James Heywood
James Hillman
James Hilton
James Hogg
James Holman
James Hong
James Houston
James Howard Kunstler
James Howell
James Hudson Taylor
James Huneker
James Hunt
James Hurdis
James Hutton
James I of England
James I of Scotland
James Iha
James II of England
James Inhofe
James Iredell
James Irwin
James J. Corbett
James J. Gibson
James J. Hill
James Jarrell Pickle
James Jeans
James Jeffrey Roche
James Jesus Angleton
James Jones
James Joseph Sylvester
James Joyce
James K. Galbraith
James K. Morrow
James K. Polk
James Keller
James Kennedy (televangelist)
James Kenneth Stephen