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Ephraim of Arizona quotes
We must love everyone regardless of whether or not they love us; that is their business.
Ephraim of Arizona
The person who manages to limit his mind to a few simple thoughts such as the name of Christ, the hour of death, the beauty of Paradise, and the love of God, will purge it of every demonic contemplation.
Ephraim of Arizona
Don't forget that God sees you and watches you when you are in pain; He perceives even the beating of your heart. Consequently, He will not leave you without consolation and His fatherly protection.
Ephraim of Arizona
Never lose your confidence in Him Who was crucified for you...
Ephraim of Arizona
Rest assured, that as long as God is allowing you to live, it is a guarantee from Him that He is waiting for you!
Ephraim of Arizona
Don't forget that God sees you and watches you when you are in pain; He perceives even the beating of your heart. Consequently, He will not leave you without consolation and His fatherly protection. Naturally, the saints rejoiced in their afflictions; as for us, let us at least manage to accept affliction or pain patiently. My child, pray within your heart, and the name of Jesus will become for you a comforting balm so that you can bear this trial of yours in a way which benefits you. You will greatly benefit from this trial if you submit yourself to it patiently. So again I say to you, with the almighty armor of prayer continually approach the omnipotent Lord more often, and you will come to know how He wondrously lifts the burden of pain and marvellously gives rest to sufferers.
Ephraim of Arizona
Without the Lord's assistance, we are unable to do anything good. Therefore, we need much humility to find repose for our souls.
Ephraim of Arizona
When Christ lives within you fear nothing.
Ephraim of Arizona
Moments of pain and sacrifice are actually a time of blessings. Behind every cross there follows a resurrection.
Ephraim of Arizona
Do not be afraid of the devil's pressure, my child. The power of our God is so mighty that it helps unreservedly those who want to fight using it.
Ephraim of Arizona
Is there anyone who has entered paradise by a different path, a path without temptations, whom we can imitate? No. All the Saints passed through fire and water, through various temptations and afflictions, and they glorified God with their patience and received crowns of eternal glory!
Ephraim of Arizona