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Warren Christopher quotes - page 2
I had all of one nanosecond to savor the news before we had to move on to other problems.
Warren Christopher
I'm very skeptical about the good intentions of Milosevic.
Warren Christopher
It was helpful to have the American troops there in great strength. They knew there'd be consequences if they didn't move back. Now, there has been some removal of the foreign forces.
Warren Christopher
You know, it's been President Clinton's dream that we'll have finally a fully integrated Europe; and the steps that NATO will take to expand to the East, that's a commitment.
Warren Christopher
I don't want to talk about intelligence matters. I will say, however, that intelligence-community estimates should not become public in the way of this city and in the way of Congress.
Warren Christopher
I'm very much in favor of focused responsibility, and so in the main areas that I'm worried about, I try to have a single person who is basically the key person in that area.
Warren Christopher
The monitors indicated that it was a credible election, I think, in an overall sense, it apparently is a free and fair election, so it's a real milestone and one of the things we can take some little confidence in.
Warren Christopher
We have a human rights interest. Then there is the immigration problem. The human-rights violations have caused people to take to boats and flood not only the United States, but other countries in the region, creating great instability.
Warren Christopher
We've worked with President Yeltsin. He is the President of the country. He's been a reformer. We've been able to accomplish a number of things together.
Warren Christopher
An independent and free media is essential to ensure democracy.
Warren Christopher
I ask the Philippines Government to put an end to journalists' killings by giving journalists' safety the priority it deserves.
Warren Christopher