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Tim Wise quotes
Being asked to describe what 'post-racial' means is a bit like being asked to describe a leprechaun, cold fusion or unicorns: we know what is meant, but, if we are willing to be honest, we also know that none of the four describe something real, something tangible, something true.
Tim Wise
For people of color - especially African Americans - the idea that racist cops might frame members of their community is no abstract notion, let alone an exercise in irrational conspiracy theorizing. Rather, it speaks to a social reality about which blacks are acutely aware.
Tim Wise
To believe that the United States is post-racial requires an almost incomprehensible inability or unwillingness to stare truth in the face.
Tim Wise
Our failure as a society to properly acknowledge and confront the psychological, social, and political effects of white privilege has perpetuated racial inequality and race-based political resentments.
Tim Wise
If we don't figure out a way to create equity, real equity, of opportunity and access, to good schools, housing, health care, and decent paying jobs, we're not going to survive as a productive and healthy society.
Tim Wise
It's hard to say when or if we will actually arrive at that place called 'post-racial', or, better yet, post-racism.
Tim Wise
If you want to know if racism is a problem in your country, you might not want to ask white people.
Tim Wise
Too often, systems of oppression turn those who are the targets of the oppression against one another.
Tim Wise
Violating the 4th Amendment guarantees against illegal searches and seizures is not the way to solve crime problems.
Tim Wise
As a writer, there are times when you have something to say, and yet no particular "hook” upon which to hang the missive you are burning to release.
Tim Wise