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Jeff Merkley quotes
Decades of scientific research has proven that carbon pollution is harmful to human health and causes global warming.
Jeff Merkley
Imagine if Congress always put the interests of polluters ahead of the health of our families. Our rivers and lakes would be choked with sewage. Acid rain would pour down from smog-filled skies. Hundreds of thousands more of our neighbors, friends, and loved ones would be victims of cancer, heart disease, and asthma.
Jeff Merkley
There are two ways of looking at the talking filibuster. My way is as a form of unanimous consent.
Jeff Merkley
Budgets are nothing if not statements of priorities.
Jeff Merkley
I wont stop fighting to make life better for working Americans and give those who are just trying to find a decent job the opportunity to do so.
Jeff Merkley
Real choice is clear information and the right to walk away from a bad deal without leaving your wallet behind.
Jeff Merkley
There are thousands of capable Americans who would pursue a degree in nursing if we had room in our schools for them.
Jeff Merkley
For too long, tricks and traps in mortgages, credit cards, and other financial transactions have stripped wealth from working families.
Jeff Merkley
Too many Americans who are uninsured or under-insured do not receive regular checkups because they can't afford coverage or their insurance doesn't cover enough of the costs. The lack of preventive care results in countless emergency room visits and health care disasters for families.
Jeff Merkley