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Ally Carter quotes - page 4
Even the longest con was never more than an assortment of moments that were in themselves very very short.
Ally Carter
If you die of pneumonia,I'm pretty sure there are at least a dozen guys who'll try to kill me and make it look like an accident (Hale)
Ally Carter
I'll be back. And when i am,i promise i'll have answers.
Ally Carter
And then, despite everything, I smiled and looked at the note and knew that spring would come -it always does. so I stared out that cold window, watching my breath collect on the glass, trying not to think about my life after the thaw.
Ally Carter
and then Zach said a really bad word, but I doubt DeeDee noticed because it was in Farsi.
Ally Carter
No one would have ever guessed that seven of the world's most talented teenagers were coming to the Henley that day for an entirely different sort of lesson.
Ally Carter
Can I see you outside for a second?" Kat glared at Hale, then walked to the patio doors and out onto the veranda. As Hale closed the door behind him, Kat heard Angus say, "Ooh, Mom and Dad are going to fight now.
Ally Carter
If you can be still enough and common enough, then it's really easy to be invisible.
Ally Carter
Do you have any idea how hard it is to tail an eighty year-old woman Its hard. Really hard. Really...slow. -Grabrielle.
Ally Carter
But the heaviest things, I think, are the secrets. They can drown you if you let them.
Ally Carter
I didn't know there were this many math guys," Hale said as they stepped onto the crowded concourse. Kat cleared her throat. "And women," he added. "Math women.
Ally Carter
I think it's kinda nice.' And I did. my mom isn't famous for her pies. No, she's famous for defusing a nuclear device in Brussels with only a pair of cuticle scissors and a ponytail holder. Somehow, at the moment, pies seemed cooler.
Ally Carter
And I remembered with a pang what had happened to me the previous summer - that even Gallagher Girls aren't always as strong as they need to be.
Ally Carter
Hey I bruise," Hale said. "Also, you are freakishly strong.
Ally Carter
You should stop and listen to yourselves sometimes. 'We're practically adults, let us run wild.' 'We're only kids, leave us alone.'...You can't have it both ways.
Ally Carter
Crouched on the roof between BEx and Liz, I wasn't a girl who had just broken up with her boyfriend; I looked at my watch and check my gear instead of crying. I had a mission objective and not a broken heart.
Ally Carter
That's a lovely piece," Kat said, pointing at a Louise XV armoire near the fireplace. The man raised his eyebrows. "Did you come to steal it?" "Darn it," Kat said with a snap of her fingers."I knew I should have brought my big purse.
Ally Carter
Despite popular belief, hitting someone with a closed fist actually hurts the hitter almost as much as the hittee.
Ally Carter
That's the thing about spies. Most of the secrets we keep are from each other.
Ally Carter
Turns out, you can take the girl out of the spy school, but you can never take the spy school out of the girl.
Ally Carter
I love your bracelet!' I said to the brunette next to me, because, while most girls are onto the whole stranger-with-candy thing, the strangers-with-compliments strategy is still remarkably effective.
Ally Carter
I'm a spy, Cam. I was born to do this- to be this. It's in my blood. And I will do it until the day I die. It's who I am... The thing is I don't think you realise is... it's who you are too.
Ally Carter