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Cyrus H. Gordon quotes - page 2
The Greeks viewed the Mediterranean not as a barrier but as a network of routes connecting people who dwelt along its shores.
Cyrus H. Gordon
For centuries scholars have been forced to grapple with the problem of accounting for the parallels between Greek literature and the Bible.
Cyrus H. Gordon
How fortunate is this generation to live at a time when the sources of our culture-sacred and profane-are illuminated in a brighter light of history than our forefathers imagined possible!
Cyrus H. Gordon
If archeology had yielded only the Epic of Kret, we would have enough to bridge the gap between the Iliad and Genesis. But... our new sources are so rich that we have only begun.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The function of reciting (actually chanting-for Scripture and national epic were sung, not read) Pentateuch and Homer at national reunions is the same in both cases. The narrative knits the segments of the nation together telling how they achieved their place in history in the course of a great event (The Exodus or the Trojan War). All of the tribes and their leaders are heroic. The text brings in each tribe by name. ...there must be an honoured place for all.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The older cultures did not develop the concept of canonical writings.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The ancient theory of heroic genealogy... reflects paternity at two levels: human and divine.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Epic poetry is divinely inspired (Iliad I: I) and as such is just as true as oracles, and for the same reason. It is no accident that oracles (such as those at Delphi) were enunciated in the same dactylic hexameter as the epic.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The prevailing view is simply that the Judges were inspired, not hereditary leaders. But this misses the point; the Judges were normally from the ruling aristocracy, quite like the kings in Homer.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Isaac was conceived through divine agency. Like the Mycenaean Greek heroes, Isaac could claim paternity at two levels; the human and the divine.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Our debt to the Bible and Classics is so great that this type of research will deepen our understanding of our culture and of ourselves.
Cyrus H. Gordon
If the entire aristocracy is of divine descent, Zeus (or El) cannot save the human son without upsetting the order of things.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The ancients were not as denominationally minded as we in matters of their clergy. They were more concerned with obtaining services of a bona fide professional.
Cyrus H. Gordon
It has been said that the Bedouin Arab is a parasite that lives on the camel, and this to a great extent is true.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Sarah and Dinah are heroines according to the standards of royal epic.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Historical, sociological, literary, linguistic, archeological and other techniques must be brought to bear when they are applicable to the material at hand.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Aristocrats (among Hebrews and Greeks) often had harems that included women of common or even servile origin, as well as well-born aristocratic ladies. Normally, the successors would be chosen from the sons born by ladies; but on occasion those born by servile or common wives achieved the ascendency. In the latter case, tradition could dwell on the phenomenon as "worthy of saga."
Cyrus H. Gordon
The Sabbath, perhaps the most important labour legislation next to the abolition of slavery, is a Hebrew institution.
Cyrus H. Gordon
Traders (like the Phoenicians) carried their methods as well as their wares to Europe by ship.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The most important document at Ugarit for both Biblical and Homeric studies is the Epic of Kret. It anticipates the Helen-of-Troy motif in the Iliad and Genesis, thus bridging the gap between the two literatures.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The nomadic Semite... roves as a herdsman, partaking of Allah's hospitality.
Cyrus H. Gordon
The [Judaic] Patriarchs are depicted as Arameans as long as they remained in their native lands.
Cyrus H. Gordon