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Robert Lanza quotes - page 2
That's absolutely correct and in addition to that life just isn't an accident of the laws of physics. There's a long list of experiments that suggest just the opposite.
Robert Lanza
I think the answer of course is that space and time are not these hard external objects. Again we're, scientists have been building from one side of nature (physics) without considering the other side (life in consciousness). Neither side exists without the other. They cannot be divorced from one another or else there is no reality.
Robert Lanza
Physics tells us observations can't be predicted absolutely. Rather, there's a range of possible observations each with a different probability.
Robert Lanza
Reality is observer-determined - it's a spatio-temporal process, which fortunately means that things must change.
Robert Lanza
Sometime in the future, science will be able to create realities that we can't even begin to imagine. As we evolve, we'll be able to construct other information systems that correspond to other realities, universes based on logic completely different from ours and not based on space and time.
Robert Lanza
Today's preoccupation with physical theories of everything takes a wrong turn from the purpose of science - to question all things relentlessly. Modern physics has become like Swift's kingdom of Laputa, flying absurdly on an island above the earth and indifferent to what is beneath.
Robert Lanza
We don't have time to wait for President Bush to change his mind. How many breakthroughs have been missed as a result of this policy?
Robert Lanza