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Paisios of Mount Athos quotes - page 2
When God sees that we are proud and arrogant, He allows for the presence of temptations in our life. He will take them away from us, only when He sees that we humble ourselves.
Paisios of Mount Athos
Some people resemble the honeybee and some resemble the fly. Those who resemble the fly seek to find evil in every circumstance and are preoccupied with it; they see no good anywhere. But those who resemble the honeybee only see the good in everything they see.
Paisios of Mount Athos
A Christian must not be fanatical; he must have love for and be sensitive towards all people.
Paisios of Mount Athos
If you want to grab God's attention so He'll hear you during prayer, turn the dial to humility, for God always works in this frequency; then humbly ask for His mercy.
Paisios of Mount Athos
Live as simply as you can. Do not make your own lives difficult. Too many conveniences turn people into slaves.
Paisios of Mount Athos
What I see around the world would drive me insane if I did not know that no matter what happens, God will have the last word.
Paisios of Mount Athos
God in His goodness has arranged things perfectly, so that with our gifts, we can help each other, and with our faults, we can be humbled by each other. For every person has some gifts; but everyone also has some faults which one must struggle to overcome.
Paisios of Mount Athos
The goal is to rise spiritually, not simply to avoid sin.
Paisios of Mount Athos
God's help can't be obstructed, neither by men nor demons.
Paisios of Mount Athos
Let the husband learn to hear and obey God, and then the wife will listen to her husband.
Paisios of Mount Athos
The answer to our anxiety is not drugs, alcohol, tranquilizers or psychiatric treatment. It will not be cured by Yoga or some new age or eastern meditation practice. The problem is that we have lost God as the center of our lives. Once we make our love of God the primary focus of our lives and allow His grace to work though us, then no matter what circumstance we encounter in life we will be comforted and embraced in His love. All anxiety disappears. This is the aim of the Orthodox way of life––To put God first and seek the Holy Spirit. The anxieties of modern life are only symptoms of our separation from God.
Paisios of Mount Athos
All you will need to do is one thing: kneel and say, 'Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior save us,' and you will have a great protection.
Paisios of Mount Athos
The years we are going through are very difficult and very dangerous, but in the end Jesus Christ will win.
Paisios of Mount Athos